Professional Assistant at Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies (University of Delhi)
(A College 100% funded by Govt. of NCT of Delhi)
(University of Delhi)
Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies invites applications (on deputation basis) from talented and motivated candidates for the following position
Post : Professional Assistant
Pay Scale in the Pay Matrix (as per 7th CPC) : Level-6 (Rs.35,400-1,12,400)
No. of Post(s) 01
Essential Qualifications:
- Amongst the Semi Professional Assistants working in the University with at least 05 years regular service in the grade and possessing the following:
- Post Graduate with B.Lib.Sc./ BLISc. (M.Lib. will be considered a postgraduate degree in this respect)
- Attended at least two computer training programs each of one-week duration as SPA conducted by Delhi University Library System (DULS) or from a recognized/registered institution for the conduct of Library related computer training programs.he last date for filling up the online form: April 14, 2024
- The last date of submission of the hard copy of the duly filled application form (attached separately) and google form along with certificates should reach the college within seven (07) days of the last date of the application i.e. April 22, 2024 (05.00 pm).
- The period of deputation is initially for a period of one year extendable annually for one year (up to three years). The said deputation shall be governed by the terms & conditions of Foreign Service Rules as applicable to the employees of the University of Delhi. Important Instructions
- Persons who are on the direct line of promotion in the cadre are not eligible for appointment on deputation basis. Similarly, the person selected on deputation will not be eligible for absorption. The selection will be made on the basis of the quality of ACRs and interview.
- The college will place corrigendum, if any, on the college website only. Candidates are requested to refer to the college website on a regular basis.
Application received without complete information shall be rejected.
- No T.A/D.A will be paid for attending the interview.
- Candidates should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated, or suppress any material/information while submitting the application and self-certified copies/testimonials.
- The college reserves the right not to fill up the post advertised without assigning any reason.
- In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage, the college reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidate.
All the relevant documents, testimonials, certificates, etc. should reach The Principal, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies (University of Delhi), PSP Area IV, Dr. K.N. Katju Marg, Sector 16, Rohini, Delhi – 110 089. The envelope must be super-scribed as “Application for the post of ________ (Post Name)”
- Apply Online : Click Here
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