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Impact of ICT on Library : An Overview : By Reena Singh (Research Scholar, Dr.Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Agra)

 Impact of ICT on Library : An Overview


This paper discusses the various dimension of the ICTs. It gives an awareness of technology in library and why there's a requirement to know the utilization of ICT within the library for rendering enhanced library services and information to users. The current study highlights the areas where ICT can be applied. Basically, the paper explains different technologies and their use in the library operation. Modern-day information and communication technology have creator a “Global Village” in which place can communicate with other across the world. ICT is often studied in the context of how modern communication technologies impress society. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a key think about the longer term development of services industry including banking, transport, logistics, and retailing industries.Now day  developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have characterized new ways of data generation, managing, and dissemination. The progress in ICT with breakthrough in interpret and permanent information storage technology haven't only reduced the value of infrastructure required for hosting digital libraries, but also demonstrated success during a big variety of projects across the planet . This chapter addresses and documents the emergence of digital technologies, the aim and characteristics of digital libraries, and digitization policy. It also elaborates the method of digitization including the hardware and software requirements. This chapter also focuses on major digitization initiatives and therefore the challenges of digitization.

Keyword - ICT, Technology,


Information and communication refers to technologies that provide access to information through Telecommunication. it's almost like information Technology but focuses totally on communication technologies. however, are often traced to the earth war II alliance of the military and industry within the event of electronics, computer and knowledge theory. ICT for development is grounded within the notions of “development, growth, progress and globalization and is typically interpreted because the utilization of technology to deliver a greater good. ICT is one of the wonderful gifts of recent science and technology which brought tremendous changes in library and knowledge science. ICT features a profound effect on the progress and development of human civilization. The tools utilized in ICT include computer programs, databases, communication networks, analysis and elegance methods programming languages, AI , knowledge bases, etc. ICT has long-standing influence in most areas of act . . The libraries are also changing their role to satisfy the demand of users for retrieving desired information which wasn't possible by the means of traditional libraries. the event and convergence of computer and communication technologies; jointly termed as information and communication technologies(ICT) has affected most aspects of human life.

Various ICT components in library-

Satellite Communication –

Arthur C. Clarke is often quoted as being the inventor of the communications satellite. We use satellite communication in various thing, so its application are many such as telephone, satellite television is used for television, internet, radio etc.

Internet-The internet is the most modern system of information technology. You can call the internet a world class group of different computer networks. Thousand and millions of computers in this network are connected to each other. The computer is usually connected to the internet via a telephone line. But apart from this, there are many more. In which computer can connect to internet. Some popular internet service like gopher, file transfer protocol, world wide web are used to get information in internet. We can call the internet as the medium of advertising worldwide.

Communication Technology-: 

Information and communication technology has become a revolutionary cornerstone within the education world today. Through this, you can make learning ,interesting, highly active, curious and well done. We also use information communication technology in our every day work. Information communication technology in India was started under the national education campaign which was started in December 2004. The word communication has it origin within the English word communication. Which is made up of Latin-language Communist. The best medium of communication is our voice and language. Information technology has made communication much easier. Internet is the most used in this. In the words, communication is an effort through which a person participates in another person’s thoughts, feeling and attitudes. The basis of communication is ‘communication’ and communication. Communication technologies comprise the following 

  • Audio Technology 
  • TV 
  • Video disc
  • Videotext
  • Teletext 
  • Telephone – 
  • Cell phone or mobile phone
  • Fax
  • E-mails
  • Voice mail

Multimedia Technology - Multimedia is a group of many elements such as text, image, art, sound, animation, and video etc. All these elements are delivered through a computer or another electronic device. Multimedia  important  and popular  field of information and technology in today’s times. Multimedia is made up of two words. In multimedia, multi means many  and media means packages or elements  such as-

  • Text
  • Image
  • Sounds
  • Animation
  • Video

Network Technology – 

Networking technology allows for the exchange of data between large and small information systems used primarily by businesses and educational institutions. Networking, end-users are able to transmit files, messages and other data through e-mail or various other channels, sharing information through internet connection, based on the needs of an organization. 

Wired Networking

  • Switches
  • Router
  • SDN(software defined network)
  • Structured cabling
  • Wireless Networking
  • Wireless Lan(WLAN)
  • Wireless Access point
  • Cloud-based control
  • On-premise control

Barcode Technology – 

The barcode was invented by Norman Joseph woodland and Bernard silver and patented in the US in 1951. The invention was based on Morse code that was extended to thin and thick bars. A Barcode is a method of  representing data in a visual, machine-readable form. These are helpful in terms of circulation work and stack verification work of library documents. 

RFID Technology – 

Mario Cardullo's device, patented on January 23, 1973, was the first  ancestor of modern RFID, as it was a passive radio transponder with memory. RFID is an acronym for Radio frequency identification. Briefly, the RF means “radio frequency”, the “ID” means “identifier”. Radio frequency identification is a broad term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. RFID is a combination of radio-frequency-based technology and microchip technology. The information contained on microchips in the tags affixed to library material is read using radio frequency technology regardless of item orientation. 

  • Stock-verification
  • Circulation
  • Check in/out service
  • Self check in/out
  • Book drop
  • Anti theft detection

 Application of ICT in Libraries -:

The application of information communication technology in the area of libraries/ libraries and information centers. There has been a tremendous improvement in the library services offered by the library to the users. Library professional are applying advanced technologies to enable its user community to get the right information at the right time. In order to achieve this objective, libraries are automating their services. Many libraries mainly concentrated on the circulation, reference etc. In some OPAC’s  Web OPAC’s, CD-ROM networks, DTP office automation etc.

Digital Library- The first use of the term digital library, in print, may have been in a 1988 report to the corporation for national research Initiatives. The term “Virtual library” was initially used inter-changeable with digital library. A digital library is a type of information retrieval. 

Library automation- Library automation is important to provide more and very high speed information accession, to minimize staff requirements, it facilitate handling of huge data or information and it increases library use. In the fully automated library, there are two types of operation work: library house keeping operations, and library information handling operation which are performed with the help of computers. Area of ICT application in libraries -:

a) Acquisition system- The department of a library responsible for the selection and purchase of materials or resources. The department may select vendors, negotiate consortium pricing, arrange for standing order, and select individual title or resources.

  • Accession list
  • Order file

b) Cataloguing system- Cataloguing is one of the important functions, which link user’s requirement to the documents in a library. The computerized catalogue is the most efficient tool in retrieving information about the documents in a library easily and quickly.

  • Catalogue card
  • Online catalogue

c) Classification system-  Classification is a system of knowledge organization by which library resources are arranged and ordered systematically. A library classification is a system of coding and organizing library materials(books, serials, audiovisual materials, computer files, maps, manuscripts) according to their subject and allocating a call number to that information source.
d) Circulation system- The use of technological devices such as computer, barcode scanner and its software in circulation helps in performing these routine operation easily and quickly.

  • Issuing
  • Inter library loan
  • Over dues

ICT and Library service-:

a) OPAC system –An online public Access catalogue is an online database of materials held by a library or group of libraries. It is a computerized library catalog available to the public. Users search a library catalog  principally to locate books and other materials physically located at a library.

b) Reprographic service- The term reprography was first introduced as “office printing” at the first International congress on Reprography held in cologne, Germany in 1963. Photocopying comes under the provisions of copyright and affects the document supply service of libraries and information centers.

  • Photocopy
  • Digital process

c) Translation service- Translation service was developed as one of the facets of documentation, which play a very important role in dissemination and application of knowledge. Translation services is an important service provided by the libraries and translation helps enhancing the use of documents. This service is a highly intellectual activity and it requires qualified staff having knowledge of the language.

d) Database search guide- This is important because searching library databases is a bit different from searching google.

  • Subject search
  • Free-text search
  • Limiting the search

e) Resource sharing- The network should be able to access some area over the internet like online catalogue, indexes cooperative procurement, co-operative technical operation, preparation of union catalogue, inter-library loan, document delivery service, and collection development etc.

f) Social media- Communication with each other to develop a well collaborative information society. In the other word social media is a platform where people interact each other to create, share or exchange information and ideas on virtual networks. The social media tools include:

  • i. Blogs
  • ii. Wikis
  • iii. Instant Messaging
  • iv. Social networking sites(MySpace, facebook, Tweet, etc)
  • v. Media sharing
  • vi. Social media messaging software/Apps (Whatsapp,Hike,etc.)

ICT and E-Resources

  • E-Book
  • E-Newspapers
  • E-thesis and Dissertations
  • Information Literacy
  • In-house database
  • E-learning
  • E-Reference book


Information and communication Technology(ICT) tools and techniques utilization has been spread widely in every work of human being and all kinds of organizations. ICT has improved the library services than traditional one and now become the demand of the users as well as organization to fulfill the necessary requirements on time. With the use of ICT, library professionals role has been change totally. The provision and the use of information and communication technology is a part and parcel of the entire system, to the student, information and professional and the institution. The biggest challenges facing the library profession today is preparing the professionals to use technology effectively. It can be said that the library and information professional communities are being affected by a range of ICT development and so find their roles changing worldwide.

Reference -

  • 1. ict-adv-disadv.blogspot.com/2011/02/introduction-to-ict.html
  • 2. pages.uoregon.edu/moursund/Books/ICT/ICTBook.pdf
  • 3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_and_communications_technology
  • 4. https://ebookpdf.com/introduction-to-ict-pdf
  • 5. www.currenttech.net>networking
  • 6. Kaushik,Dineshkumar(2010), RFID in library operation, in nirmalkumar swain &satishkumar malik(Eds), librarian to cybrarian(pp.120-131).Bhubaneswar:open page india.
  • 7. Haneefa, Mohamed (2007). Application of information and communication technologies in special libraries in kerala (india).Library review,56(7),603-620https://doi.org/10.1108/00242530710775999
  • 8. Thomas landau; Encylopedia of librarianship,” 3rdRev.ed.Calcutta,Rupa,1967,p.368.
  • 9. K.M.P(2018).use of ICT resource and service at state University libraries in Gujarat a study.
  • 10. http://bookboon.com

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