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INFLIBNET : Information and Library Network Center Full Notes With Questions

Information and Library Network Center
  • INFLIBNET is a main part of Networking.
  • In 1988, UGC formed a committee Under the Chairmainship of Prof. Yashpal to know the details of Universities’s Information Library Networking System.
  • The Report was Published in 1988 with a Propasal for to Establishment of an Information and Library Network.
  • INFLIBNET Center is an Autonomous Inter University Center of UGC of India Under Ministery of HRD Located in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat.
  • In Starting, It was started as a project of IUCAA ( Inetr University center for Astronomy and Astrophysics ) in March 1991, In June 1996 It became an Independent Inter University Center. 
  • It Can be defined as a Network of Libraries and Information Centers of Universities, Institution of National Imporance.
  • INFLIBNET is a Programme of Mordenaization of Libraries and Information Cenetrs of Country.

Objectives : 
  • To Create a National Network by Interlinking Various Libraries and Information Centers of Country.
  • Provide Document Delivery Service by Setting various resourse Centers.
  • To Promote and Implementation Computerization of operations and Services in the Libraries and Information Centers.
  • Improving Information Handling and Service efficiency.
  • To Create a database of Projects, Institutes and Experts for Providing Online Service.
  • To Create Infrastructure for sharing of Library and Information Resources and Services among the Academics and Research Institutions.
  • To Provide Information to Scientists, Engineers, Researcher, Experts, Students, from E- Mail, Bulletin Board, File Transfer, , Audio/Video Confrencing.
  • To Provide reliable Access to Document Collection of Libraries by Creating Online Union Catalogue of Serials, Theses/ Dissertation, Books, Monographs and non- book Matrials  in Various Libraries in India.
  • Achieve Complete Automation of Libraries in educational Institute.
  • Create Union Catalogue of Documents available in Libraries in Online and real time enviroment.
  • Promoting Setting up Open Access Digital repositories In Universities.
  • Develop Experties in Digital Content Creation.
  • Promote Digitization of legacy document and creationof content in e-format in Universities.
Activites /  Services
  • Financial Support for the Automation of University Library.
  • Development of a Comprehensive database of the resource in various Libraries.
E – Consortium
Shodhsindhu :
Shodhsindhu Provides access to a resources to Universities Colleges and Centrally funded Technical Institution In India.
Shodhsudddhi :
Shodhsuddhi launched by HRD Minister Mr. Ramesh Pokhariyal “Nishank” on 21 sept. 2019. 
Based on the  recommendation of Sub-Committee, National Steering Committee (NSC) of e Shodh Sindhu., The MHRD, Goverment of India has initiated a programme “Shodh Suddhi” which provides access to Plagiarism Detection Software (PDS) to all universities/Institutions in India since Sept 1, 2019. 1000+ institutions are identified which includes
  • Central Universities
  • State Universities
  • Deemed to be University
  • Private Universities
  • Centrally funded Technical Institutions(CFTIs)
  • Inter University Centre (IUCs) of UGC
  • Under this initiative, URKUND a Web Based Plagiarism Detection Software system is being provided to all Users of universities/Intuitions in the country.
N-List Programme:  
National Library and Information Services infrastructure for Scholarly Content.
Open Access Initiatives
INFOPORT is designed and developed to serve as a Comprehensive gateway to all Indian Scholarly Content. INFOPORT is INFLIBNET Subject gateway for Indian Electronic resource. INFOPORT is classified according to DDC, Indexed Subject wise and arranged alphabetically Subjects.
Institutional Repository of INFLIBNET Center. Users can find Articles Published in all Conventional Proceedings of Center.
A Platform to faculty and Researcher in Universities to host their Open Access Journals.
INFLIBNET Center Has discontinued  OJAS service with effect       from 31 March 2018.
Shodhganga : 
Shodhganga provides a Platform for research student to deposit their Ph.D Theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in Open Access.
Shodhgangotri :
Shodhgangotri is a Repository of Research in Progress. Under this Programme Research Scholars /Research Supervisor in Universities are requested to deposit electronic Version of approved Synopsis Submitted by Research Scholars to Universities For registering themselves for the Ph.D  Programme.
Project & Consultancy
National Institute Ranking framework was approved by the MHRD and launched by Honorable Minister of Human Resource Development on 29th sept. 2015.
This Framework outlines a  methodology to rank Institutions across the Country.
  • Parameters 
  • Teaching, Learning & Resources
  • Research and Professional Practice
  • Graduation Outcomes
  • Outreach and Inclusivity 
  • Peer Perception
E-PG Pathshala : 
E-PG Pathshala is an Initiative of the MHRD. It is a mission on education through NME-ICT being executed by the UGC, the content and its quality being the key component of education system high quality, Interactive e –content in 70 Subject across all discipline of Social Science, Arts, Fine arts and Humanities , Natural and Mathematical Science.
E- Adhyayan:
E-adhyayan is a Platform to provide e – books for the Post-Graduate Courses. All the e-books are derived from e-pg Pathshal courses.
UGC MOOCs is one of Vertical to produce course on Post Graduate Subject in SWAYAM. UGC is one of National Cordinator of SWAYAM and INFLIBNET is Technical Partner of UGC MOOCs.
E-PG Pathya : 
E-pg Pathya is one of the Verticals of e-pg Pathshala which is driven Course/Content Package that facilitates Students Pursuing Higher Education in Distance learning as well as Campus learning Mode.
VIDWAN is the Premier Database of Profile of Scientists / Researcher and other Faculty members working at leading academic Institutions and other R & D Organization involved inTeaching and Research iin india. The Database developed and maintained by INFLIBNET with Financial Support from the National Mission on Education Through ICT (NME-ICT).
VIDYAMITRA is an online learning portal for all E-Content projects developed under NME-ICT, MHRD. The Portal provides facility to search and browse all hosted content where learnenrs can easily access the study Materials.
SOUL 2.0 :
It is a State of the art Integrated Library Management System For library Automation. It is user friendly Software developed to work under Client Server enviroment. Latest Version of SOUL released in 2009.
Indcat is unified bonline catalogue of Books, theses and journals availavle in major University Libraries in India.
Some other Projects
  5. Study in India
  6. E-NBA
  7. ICSSR Data Service 
The Center Organise two major Convention namely International CALIBER and PLANNER on alternate Year.
Convention on Automatrion of Libraries in Education and Research Institution.
Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in North  Eastern region.
  • Reference Service 
  • Document Delivery Service
  • Current awareness Service 
  • Inter Library Loan Service
  • Electronic Information Service
  • Photocopy service
  • CD ROM based Service
CD ROM based Service 
The CD-ROM databases available at the INFLIBNET Library are as Follow
LISA – Abstract
Dissertation Abstract International : humanities & Social Sciences.
Econlit : Economic Literature 
EMBASE Drugs & Pharmacology CD 
Philosopher's Index 
PsycLit: Psychological Literature
Sociofile: Sociological Abstracts
Current Contents on Diskette: Social and Behavioral Science
Inside Science
Inside Social Science 
Publication :
  • Annual Reports
  • News Letter ( Quarterly)
  • Proceedings  of Conventions 
  • INFLIBNET Directory      

Related Questions: 

Q.1  What is INFLIBNET ?
Q.2 When was INFLIBNET started ? 
Q.3 Where is INFLIBNET located ?
Q.4 Under which project INFLIBNET was started ?
Q.5 Under which Ministery INFLIBNET works ?
Q.6  what is VIDWAN ?
Q.7 What is LISA ?
Q.8 CALIBER is Programme of ?
Q.9 When did Shodhsuddhi started ?
Q.10 What is INDCAT ? 

If any student or professional of library science wants any information about jobs, seminars, news, study material related to library science on their email, then kindly mail "I am Interested" on thise mail lisworld20@gmail.com                                          Thank you

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